Create Lasting Change
Keep Calm and Carry On.
Meaningful and lasting change begins with a clear understanding of the purpose behind the change and an ongoing commitment to carry on.
Root develops managers’ abilities to bring out the best in others and empowers the front line to update their actions and behaviors and sustain the change.
And because change is a constant, feedback loops to understand the ongoing needs of the front line are important. We make it easy.
“Education and engagement of our workforce is vital to achieving our goals as we transform our organization. Root’s processes and solutions gave us the breakthrough to build understanding and clarity around our vision and help sustain our initiatives moving forward.”
San Diego County Regional Airport Authority
Is Your Frontline a Dream or a Nightmare?
Building and Refining Skills
We don’t teach. We start with “Why change?” to build a compelling case and create buy-in. We help everyone discover what’s changing to create understanding. Then, and only then, are people ready for “How do I need to change?” and “What new skills do I need?” and “What do I need to do differently?”
This means managers need to know how to lead differently, and the front line needs to know what new skills and capabilities they need to acquire. Our disruptive methods connect these skills to the change itself, which make the learning not only fun and engaging, but also purposeful.
Constant Connections
There is a difference between an initiative that sticks and one that withers on the vine. That difference is hardwiring. Because change takes time, you have to be persistent, consistent, and deliberate. Connections between managers and their people are the crucial differentiator for change that sticks. The ability to connect with employees on where they are in the change process, how they are doing, what’s next, and getting and giving feedback along the way are all important to sustain momentum. A key part of Root’s proven process is building in touch points at regular intervals to keep the change conversation alive.
Feedback Loops
No change or transformation strategy is perfectly crafted. Tweaks and refinement should be a foregone conclusion. And without both the emotional and intellectual buy-in of everyone, lasting change is impossible. Root builds in feedback loops, giving leaders and managers much needed insight on what’s working and how the front line is thinking and feeling about the change as it’s happening.
Disruptive Methodologies
Our capabilities and approaches are inventive, innovative, social, and focused on activation and lasting impact. That is why we use proven programs and powerful methodologies to build a bridge from the promise of change to the power of transformation.
“Typically, once leaders do the big reveal of a new change, they’re done. They leave the downstream communication to managers, assuming it’s all understood and handled as intended. Change creators must stay involved. The best organizations build in robust and rapid feedback loops. This is the only way you can improve and tweak the strategy so that the intention and the reality intersect.”
Jim Haudan, CEO, Root Inc.