Use it (tech) or lose it (ROI)
Nearly a quarter of corporate technology projects fail to deliver their promised return on investment. Not because the software consultants oversold the tech’s awesomeness or because it’s glitchy, but because people just don’t use it enough. Sure, traditional change management processes are still necessary, but they’re far from sufficient to inspire people to change their ways. So how do you keep your new tech from being a non-starter? Read on.

Effective implementations don’t have to be vaporware
We admit it’s a rare enterprise tech rollout that reaches the magnitude of excitement generated by a new iPhone. But if you at least want to hit Google Pixel levels of anticipation, you need to adjust from product-focused to people-first. Just imagine:
- Increasing the rate and ratio of user adoption to reap righteous ROI (sorry, we dig alliteration)
- Having your people want to learn how to use the new tech because it’s an obvious help instead of a hindrance
- Your people understand how tech changes make achieving company objectives – like, say, crushing the competition – easier
- Everyone sees change as a net positive instead of a net pain in the rump
Such things are not the stuff of fairy tales. Although the ways we’ll help get you there will become the stuff of legend.

People are rarely the problem and always the solution
Dyed-in-the-wool Luddites notwithstanding, your people actually want better tech, better processes, and the opportunity to do, you know, better. That’s why we focus on the people first and the shiny, shiny new tech fourteenth. We first build the story starting with the people who use the technology, and then work with leaders to champion that change – as a way of life, not an occasional interruption. When everyone knows the whys, whats, and wherefores, technology implementation becomes infectious. Yes, like a virus. But in a good way.
Upgrade your upgrading process
If your technology implementation plan is kept in a WordPerfect file, it’s time to seek help.

We like to make things personal
In our 30-plus years of existence, we’ve just about seen it all. And most of it wasn’t pretty. But what was pretty obvious is that the gulf between creating a strategy and implementing it could only be bridged by people. Not a time-honored process or a whiz-bang app. People. Even, no, especially when it comes to adopting new technology. Without your people on board, your newest techno-awesomeness will be no more effective than that Windows 95 for Dummkopfs book you refuse to recycle.
With Root, your people come first. And our methods help transform them from cogs in the corporate machine into champions of change. And yes, we have the data to prove it.


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