The experts in activating strategies and culture change
A strategy that doesn’t get implemented is merely a suggestion. A lonely, unloved whisper of what could be but probably never will.
Sad, isn’t it?
For more than 30 years, however, Root has been turning that strategic frown upside down for organizations around the world. Transplanting their strategic plans directly from the minds of leadership and into the hearts of the rank and file. The result is not some awkward, jargon-spewing Frankenstein’s monster, but a company unified in purpose and promise. We promise.
Of course, we’ve learned a lot ourselves over the past quarter century. Too much, in fact, to share even on this infinite web. So here are the key challenges we’ve noticed all organizations face:
Your Worst Fears Unrealized
Look, we get it. You’ve been poking around this site a bit and have seen some fairly unconventional methods talking about reaching employees’ hearts and minds and whatnot. And that’s a little, well, odd. But given the failure rate of so-called conventional strategy activation protocols, a little unconvention can go a long way. After all, it’s taken us around the world to help over 900 Fortune 2000 companies – including 76% of the Fortune 500. And they all seem pretty happy with how things turned out.
We Hold These Truths to Be True If Not Quite Self-Evident

- Organizations can be inspiring, life-giving organisms instead of soul-sucking manufacturers of mediocrity.
- Long-term results are best measured by how well an organization balances the needs of its employees, customers, shareholders, and the communities it calls home.

- The business community can help fill a critical, gaping leadership void that exists in society today.
- You can’t bore anyone into doing anything except ignoring you.

- Human connections are the backbone of any great endeavor, and we’ll encourage such connections in any way we can.
- Diverse experiences, backgrounds, and ideas are not simply nice things to have, but requirements for doing anything worthwhile.
- Power lies within individuals, and everyone – everyone – has a role to play in the success of the organization and in the world at large.

- That children are the future. Wait, we’re not Whitney. Sorry, next.
- New perspectives, new solutions, and new successes can only come from new ways of thinking – along with a bit of old wisdom so we know when we’re doing things right.
- We can invigorate the power of human beings to make a difference.
A Confederacy of Awesome
Root is not a consortium of consultants. We are a highly diverse team of creative thinkers, blended together to form the secret sauce that guarantees success for our clients.

Root’s Uniquely Formulated Team
The unique composition of our people is our secret sauce and key to the success of our client engagements. We blend a wide variety of talents and capabilities.
Explore Our Client Success Stories
They’re not just clients – they’re really, really successful clients.
Wonder why a majority of the Fortune 50 has turned to us to help make strategies stick and succeed? Explore the case studies below and you’ll wonder no more, yet still be in awe.
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