Announcement: We are moving! Between May 31 and June 30, we will be migrating to a new website, integrating with our parent company, Accenture. We will continue to deliver best-in-class strategy activation and simplify how you can reach us as One Accenture. Visit Accenture

As a child in school, my teachers would say, “Gary, please be quiet and take your seat!” Year after year, no matter who the teacher was, what the grade or which subject was being taught, that mantra never changed. I was never a trouble maker, I merely wanted to connect with the other kids in the class, hear their stories and share mine.  I am both a storyteller and story collector.

I find it odd that I am now writing my first blog post for a website promoting the fact that I stand up, talk and tell stories as a key part of my job and one of the very best ways I can help to make a difference in the world.  I don’t know what’s sweeter, declaring victory over those well-intentioned educators who were doing their best to keep control of their classrooms, or rejoice in the fact that I get to do what has always come naturally to me…talk and tell stories.

I get up each and every day excited by the opportunity I have to invigorate the power of human beings to make a difference through their work.  By sharing my experiences, stories and research in the areas of strategy executionemployee engagementand manager development, my hope is that every group I interact with is inspired and motivated to approach their work with a new perspective.  My focus is on working with leaders and managers because they have the ability to take new learnings, ideas and concepts back to the workplace and implement them in ways that enhance leadership, team contributions, and results for the organization overall.

What’s your natural talent? Is it part of your everyday life? Your work?

March 10, 2015


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