The Executives’ Club of Chicago

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Leading, Activating, and Sustaining Change

The scale and speed of change in today’s marketplace is unprecedented – scary, even. We all know driving change through your organization is really tough, but the reality is that change is the new normal. As an organizational leader, you need to be an expert at leading and embedding change throughout your organization. Your professional future may even depend on it.

This is where things get fuzzy – what does great change actually look like? Well, it starts with your people. You need to enroll your people in executing a new strategic direction, transforming culture, or driving change – and that means creating an organizational movement.

While there are no short-cuts, there are tried and true accelerators. In this session, you’ll explore insights and practical methods to build your capabilities as a change leader and accelerate the desired change in your organization.

Networking starts at 7:30 a.m. CT.

Members: Complimentary
Nonmember Guests: $50

Event Details

Tuesday, October 23, 2018
8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. CT