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Webinar: How to Activate Purpose in Your Organization

Thursday, October 24, 2019


According to a Harvard Business Review survey, 90% of employees said their organization understood the importance of purpose, yet less than 50% thought that their company was run in a purpose-driven way.1 How can this be? While there was a time when employees were only paid to complete a specific set of tasks, there is much more to it than that today. As leaders, how can we put purpose at the center of the way we operate our businesses and achieve exceptional financial results because of it?

Join Robert E. Quinn, cofounder and core faculty of the University of Michigan’s Center for Positive Organizations, and Jim Haudan, cofounder and chairman of Root Inc., as they share insights on the leadership blind spot of purpose.

Their discussion will include:

  • Defining higher purpose
  • Why your c-suite should embrace purpose
  • How to implement purpose throughout the business and make it stick

Wrapping up the half hour, Robert and Jim will share insights on how economics theory is blind to purpose and the Eight Counterintuitive Steps for Creating a Purpose-Driven Organization. They will open up for Q&A to explore the steps that are most meaningful to you.

1 Harvard Business Review Analytic Services and EY Beacon Institute, The Business Case for Purpose (Harvard Business School Publishing, 2015)