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Texas Association of Convention & Visitors Bureaus Annual Conference — Keynote

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Customer Experience – The Final Frontier presented by Gary Magenta

Products and services can be knocked off overnight. What can never be replicated is how you make your customer’s feel, the unique brand experience you create based on their needs and wants. Creating and delivering a consistent, satisfying, and differentiated customer experience is tough, but this session defines the obstacles promise a fresh approach to overcome the organizational challenges most companies face when trying to bring their brand promise and customer experience to life.

A highly interactive session, attendees will walk away understanding the canyons preventing organizations from winning the heats of their customers and how to address those barriers by applying the three secrets: Creating a Customer-First Culture, Empowering Managers to Act like Owners and Delivering an Authentic Experience on the frontline that supports the Brand Promise to drive loyalty.

Learn more!

Event Details

Wednesday, August 15, 2018
8:00 a.m. to 9:10 a.m.