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Leading Through Excellence Summit

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Building a Culture of Disruption

Sears. Kodak. Borders. Blockbuster – all once market leaders. Now, all but gone. Why? They failed to embrace and create a culture of disruption, not recognizing the opportunities to innovate and dramatically shift the customer’s experience. Find out how companies use employee engagement to deliberately build a culture of disruption that keeps them on the cutting edge decade after decade.

Kalman, managing director of change consulting company Root Inc., unveils the secrets of successful disruption – both new entrants and existing companies. In the first half of this session, David defines how customer experience disruptors are using employee engagement to play the role of disruptor, while the second half focuses on idea-generation, during which attendees discuss how they can create innovative radicals of disruption at their own organizations.


Event Details

Wednesday, April 11, 2018
10:30 a.m. to 11:40 a.m. (EST)

The Fawcett Center
2400 Olentangy
River Road,
Columbus, OH, 43210