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Thursday, October 19, 2017

Creating Meaningful Transformation — Understanding Northwestern Mutual’s Change Journey

When it comes to creating organizational change, executives spend hours upon hours creating a new strategy and the presentation to educate the masses. When they launch this one-way presentation with the masses, they expect a seamless adoption. This process doesn’t work! A strategy can’t work if it’s rolled out in a memo, PowerPoint or single Town Hall meeting.

Transformative change is only possible if every person at the organization understands the strategy, the reasons behind the change and how each and every person plays a role in its success. That’s exactly what Northwestern Mutual did. Northwestern Mutual defied the odds and successfully empowered 6,000 home office employees and 9,000 independent field representatives to embrace the organization’s new focus on advanced digital solutions to better serve their clients in their quest to achieve financial security— creating a more concise focus on bridging the gap between what the industry provides and what clients need, want and deserve.​

Event Details


  • Sarah Buck, Director of Strategic Growth, Root Inc.
  • Mark Richards, Assistant Director of Strategic Planning, Northwestern Mutual
Thursday, October 19, 2017